The 23rd edition of the Advanced Manufacturing and Machine-Tool Congress took place in San Sebastian from October 25 to 27, with the participation of more than 550 people from companies, technology centres and universities in the field of advanced and digital manufacturing.

Throughout these three days, attendees discussed the latest developments in the field of advanced industry. In addition to the cutting-edge scientific-technical perspective that has characterized the Congress since its inception, there has been a global vision of topics such as the factory of the future, the challenges that technological advances pose to the society of the future, the effects of the integration of Artificial Intelligence in industry, disruptive technologies such as 5G or Industrial Cybersecurity, robotics and automation, digitalization, additive manufacturing, sustainability, talent management and the challenges of strategic sectors such as aeronautics, rail, automotive, energy and defence.
This year had as a novelty, a parallel machine safety Congress, in which the latest developments in this field were presented.
The Congress has also had an exhibition area where different companies have shown their products and services to the attendees. The LCAMP project has been present along with other projects that AFM CLUSTER carries out, through an informative stand. In this stand, the poster that provides details of the LCAMP project has been shown and a brochure with information about it has been handed out.
Several members of the LCAMP project have had the opportunity to visit the stand.